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Visions of Reality and Beyond




Mark’s passion is sensitive composition, woven from vibrant color and detail to celebrate life. He invites the viewer to the moment in his image, triggering emotions hardwired to the imagination.

Tony Luna, author



Iceland Ice Cave Explorer.JPG

 “As I explore the world, I’ve often wondered what draws my eye to a specific subject or moment. When asked, my response is typically about the quality of special light making the scene come alive. But the true foundation is something deeper. A career in medicine behind a microscope gave me unique visual skills valuable in making diagnoses. Eventually I realized creating beauty was integral to the yin and yang of my life. With photography I preserve these gifts, for myself and to share with others. Had I made the camera a career as a university student, I’ve no doubt my vision would have matured with a different sense of purpose.”



Samburu Women Beads Kenya.JPG


Kayaker Ocoee River.JPG

“My work is meant to communicate wonder. Even if the subject or action is complex, I want the simple essence of what I’m feeling to connect with a viewer and draw them in.”

Two Minute Video 


( Mobile? Best viewed in landscape )